It has been quite a while since the last post, it is not that I haven't accomplished anything, just that my accomplishments are more in tune with nature. I have been working out in the yard and my garden and playing a little golf. Faye and I have also made a few trips to Indy to visit and see everyone, and then typhoid Faye hit not once but twice so we have battled a little illness too. Perhaps you can tell by the title of this blog I have been perfecting my tree fabricating skills, and feel like I am getting close to them being good. I will include some pictures so you can see how I have done. I figure that I have probably built quite a few prototypes that didn't measure up, I didn't keep track of the failures but let me say they have been numerous. I owe a lot of what you see to the wonderful invention of the internet, you can find any information you desire there and I have combined several techniques I found and tweaked them to the way I wanted to build my trees. I am not sure how many trees I will need for the L & B but they are something I can work on upstairs for the most part and don't need to be exiled in the basement all of the time. I am actually pretty proud of the results of the fir trees in the pictures they are pretty realistic I think. The top picture is the wire armature that I have "painted" with a tinted mixture of plaster of paris with white glue mixed in, and the others are different views of the first three finished success stories. Let me know what your opinion is or if you have any ideas to improve on what you see. Until the next time!