It has been ages since I posted to this blog. I am working on a new project and thought I would share the progress. No I haven't given up the train layout, I am just exercising a few of my other interests and hopefully helping my lovely wife to get better organized, and more productive in her crafting endeavors. I agreed to construct a crafting station (counter-top and cabinets with drawers) for her craft room. I have started the project by drawing plans that I will download the plans and a couple of the first pictures of the build. I am starting by building the two drawer cabinets, so far I have completed the frames and the face of one cabinet and started the face of the other one. I am using a new method and tool on this build I purchased a dovetail jig at Harbor tool and freight. I priced these jigs and similar jigs cost anywhere from $100 to $200 and I bought this one for $34.00. Quite a savings if I do say so myself. I have set the jig up and made some test cuts and have it set where I want it so tomorrow I plan on dovetailing the first drawer. I will take a couple of pictures of the jig and the process and finished product . Here are the pictures and plans for your approval!