Is anyone else as fed up listening to the doom and gloom of the news as I am? The economy and all of the collective news is just downright depressing. The only correlation I haven't heard yet is connecting this with the apocalypse, I am not saying no one has compared them, I just haven't heard it. I probably shouldn't even say it because it next thing you know someone will make the comparison. The fact is I don't really turn on the the TV news all that often, I even turn down the volume on the radio on my desk when the news comes on if I think about it. I am getting quite a bit more accomplished around the house since not watching the news when I come home. I have actually started working on the train layout in the basement, and I am working on some other projects, one of which remains secret until the Indy crew comes to visit. My job has been going well, I am so thankful to be employed, and the fact that I actually like my job is icing on the cake. Things seem to be going ok at the firm they actually opened a new office in Mexico City. I was talking to the Habitat for Humanity coordinator for our church and our group is still on track to build two houses this year in spite of the economy. It will be great to get back and do something that feels so rewarding. I am pretty excited about the prospect of actually doing a build last year we rehabbed a house and it was enjoyable but to build a house from scratch will really be a gas. The houses will be side by side and start a couple of weeks apart so they will be at slightly different stages of build so that when one house is waiting on mechanicals or inspections the other house will need work. I have carried on long enough for tonight. Bed time is drawing close and it is early to bed so I can get my reading in. More another time!
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