Saturday, July 23, 2011


I have not posted here in quite a while and for that I apologize. It is not that I have not had anything to post, quite the contrary I have been very busy.

Doing what you may ask? Well first of all there is my gainful employment I do have to help Faye pay the bills for the essentials. Luckily I have a job I enjoy going to and I am there from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. five days a week. I also spend a good amount of time gardening this time of year, not so much lately though do to the ungodly heat we have been experiencing. Then the mundane day to day chores that consume so much of our time, coupled with trying to get a full nights sleep and still arise at 5:3o a.m. work days and there hasn't been much time left over.

I will also admit that when I get on the computer blogging is not at the top of my list of what I want to accomplish. So if you are one of my followers again I apologize, but that is the end of my apologies.

I am going to try to be better about my posts and attempt to post more often with content that reflects my more important accomplishments and possibly share some of my larger missteps. Well if you have stayed with this until now I am going to end your pain and ease on out of here for now.

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